
Link is a secure order processing web platform created by Qwadra to put orthopedic professionals in touch with manufacturing centers. Connect with your public or private manufacturer within your group and access its equipment catalogue.

100% secure web platform

An open software



Looking for a simple solution for follow-up on the manufacture of your orthopedic devices?

Conformity with health data privacy regulations is a challenge faced by orthopedic technicians and manufacturing centers (CFAB) alike. Qwadra launches the solution: Link, a highly performant, efficient, data-security compliant platform for your orders and tracking, all in one. This application offers orthopedic technicians a list of manufacturing centers to choose from, to send files and place orders to manufacture their devices with secure data transmission of the patient data and the model to be machined. Another advantage of Link is that it is open, compatible with existing systems. Link works with any STL file, not only Qwadra solution files.


Link, the secure web platform that puts professionals of orthopedics in touch with manufacturing centers

Orthopedics and prosthesis professionals: place your orders using the e-catalogue of your CFAB; CFABs: receive and follow-up on orders in real time thanks to the specific order form.

Send any STL file you like over Link, no need for the files to come from the Qwadra solution.

Link assures that patient files are transmitted in compliance with the GDPR and the health data regulations.

Through Link control panel, orthopedic technicians can track their manufactures, shown in an e-mail denoting order status: scheduled, underway, on hold, dispatched for delivery. No limits on the number of orders placed.

01 - Broad range of options and visibility

02 - Interoperability

03 - Compliance

04 - Follow-up


For orthopedic technicians and manufacturing centres

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